The indispensable religious heritage

Some essential religious sites of the Pays d'Albertville

104 Résultats
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Museum of the Busillet tool shop

In operation since 1874, the Busillet tool shop has seen three generations of blacksmiths making all different kinds ...

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Mairie de Cléry
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Église romane Saint Jean-Baptiste

Prieuré roman bâti par des chanoines réguliers de Saint-Augustin au XII° s. L'église présente un autel roman ...

La ferme des sapins
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La Ferme des sapins

Breeding of dairy goats, sheep of the rattle of Thônes and Marthod, pigs. Manufacture of goat cheese and prepared ...

Halle Olympique
Halle Olympique
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Olympic Hall

Built for the Olympic Games in 1992, the Olympic Hall is a unique place, where you feel the spirit of the Games.

Mairie de la Bâthie
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Saint Didier church

Inspired by the neoclassical Sardinian architectural style, this church is surrounded by chapels, including some that ...

La Bâthie
Centre d'Art et de Rencontres Curiox
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Art center Curiox

Curiox it's an art center. The goal of this center it's to present all the artistic types nowadays, to the resident ...

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Martial Blanc
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Chapelle de La Combaz

16 mars 1776 : acte de fondation de la chapelle par Antoine Cathelin-Tellier. Elle est dédiée à saint Antoine de ...

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Mairie de Mercury
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Chapelle du Villard

Construite vers 1630, elle est dédiée à Bernard de Menthon, Sainte Marguerite et Saint Claude. Elle a été réalisée ...

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The Maison du Tourisme resumes its usual schedule from 2 September.

Meet us at the Olympic Hall of Albertville from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

See you soon